Forecast 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 hours

Horizontal Maps

Mean age at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

Mean age at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_BA_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_BA_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_BA_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

O3 at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

O3 (ECMWF) at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

O3 at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_O3_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_O3_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_O3_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

O3 (ECMWF) at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_O3_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_O3_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_O3_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

H2O at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

H2O (ECMWF) at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

H2O at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_H2O_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_H2O_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_H2O_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

H2O (ECMWF) at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_SH_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_SH_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_SH_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

CH4 at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

CH4 at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_CH4_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_CH4_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_CH4_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

PV at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

PV at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_PV_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_PV_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_PV_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

Brunt Vaisala frequenz at pressure level

Level 200 150 100

Brunt Vaisala frequenz at theta level

Level 400 380 360
You can't use as album image: "hor_BVF_theta_2012083112_012_0400.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_BVF_theta_2012083112_012_0380.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!
You can't use as album image: "hor_BVF_theta_2012083112_012_0360.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

Longitudinal Cross Sections

Mean age with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

Mean age with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_BA_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

O3 with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

O3 (ECMWF) with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

O3 with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_O3_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

O3 (ECMWF) with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_O3_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

H2O with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

H2O (ECMWF) with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

H2O with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_H2O_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

H2O (ECMWF) with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_SH_ECMWF_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

CH4 with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

CH4 with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_CH4_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

PV with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

PV with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_PV_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!

Brunt Vaisala frequenz with log-pressure as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100

Brunt Vaisala frequenz with theta as vertical coordinate

Longitude 100
You can't use as album image: "vert_BVF_theta_2012083112_012_lon_0100.png" because it does not exist or it is not listed in your item list!